

A Cost Effective Method to Treat Pollutants

A Cost Effective Method to Treat Pollutants

Treatment of dye effluents and tannery effluents using advanced processes requires considerable skilled labour and money. These treatment methods are not economically viable in the many dyeing and tanning units that are located in rural India.

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The Right Price

The Right Price

With global climate change, does a firm look towards reducing carbon emissions and pollution at the cost of lower productivity? Is it right to levy more taxes on firms to reduce greenhouse emissions? Does one target economic development or become more eco-friendly?

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Pollution Starts at Home

Pollution Starts at Home

Did you know that the root cause of plastic pollution comes not from industries, not from businesses, but from our very own homes? How can this be, you may ask. Well, it turns out that our day to day activities such as washing and cleaning, use of personal care products (PCPs), face masks, and other sources are a major cause of plastic pollution.

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Is it profitable for industries to go for pollution abatement?

Is it profitable for industries to go for pollution abatement?

When you think of industries, the image that automatically pops up into your mind is a huge amount of smoke being released from factory chimneys. In a time of gradual global warming, pollution control has become a serious matter of concern for policymakers as it is already wrecking our environment through climate change and ozone depletion.

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Productivity vs Pollution: How energy efficient is the Indian manufacturing sector?

Productivity vs Pollution: How energy efficient is the Indian manufacturing sector?

To address environmental crises, various countries were brought together by international agencies to work out guidelines and develop a roadmap to come out with sustainable ways of growth and development and living in their respective territorial boundaries. Various conventions, protocols, and declarations were and are being put in place internationally to realize the goal of a sustainable living on the planet Earth.

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Quenching Thirst with the Sun and the Sea: A Sustainable Approach

Quenching Thirst with the Sun and the Sea: A Sustainable Approach

Water, the elixir of life, is the foremost need of all living organisms. With 70% of our earth covered with water, it is often difficult for some to digest the fact that we live in a world where the water crisis is acute. The issue however is not the quantity of water, but the quality of water which is available for use.

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Productivity and Emission Control

Productivity and Emission Control

Can the manufacturing sector be productive and, at the same time, reduce carbon dioxide emissions? This is the question plaguing the Indian manufacturing sector currently.

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School of Sustainability
IIT Madras

School of Sustainability IIT Madras,
Department of Biotechnology
Block 2, Room 411A,
Chennai 600036, India.


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