A Cost Effective Method to Treat Pollutants
Treatment of dye effluents and tannery effluents using advanced processes requires considerable skilled labour and money. These treatment methods are not economically viable in the many dyeing and tanning units that are located in rural India.
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The Right Price
With global climate change, does a firm look towards reducing carbon emissions and pollution at the cost of lower productivity? Is it right to levy more taxes on firms to reduce greenhouse emissions? Does one target economic development or become more eco-friendly?
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Pollution Starts at Home
Did you know that the root cause of plastic pollution comes not from industries, not from businesses, but from our very own homes? How can this be, you may ask. Well, it turns out that our day to day activities such as washing and cleaning, use of personal care products (PCPs), face masks, and other sources are a major cause of plastic pollution.
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Research and Development
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Active Projects on Sustainability (2020-21)
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Active Projects on Sustainability (2020-21)
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Patents Filed on Sustainability (2020)
Patents Granted
Patents Granted on Sustainability (2020)