Health and Wellbeing

IIT Madras vouches for the holistic wellbeing of the student community. Proactive, retroactive, professional, and career guidance facilities are available on the campus in different forms to ensure student empowerment.

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Support Services for disabled

Physical and Mental Health

Institute Hospital

Healthy Community

A) Health Education:

  1. First Aid classes and BLS classes are conducted for students and departments who request for the same.
  2. Awareness and appropriate safety measures to be taken in the event of certain diseases like Dengue, Typhoid etc.
  3. Importance of Physical activity and Lifestyle measures for Physical and Mental well-being is being stressed on a one on one basis.
  4. Nutritious and healthy balanced diet is important for maintaining general health and also prevents a lot of chronic diseases. Adequate hydration is also to be maintained both in healthy and diseased state.

B) Disease prevention:

Preventive measures at all levels a) Primary (those who are at risk), b) secondary (those who have the disease but no complications of it), c) Tertiary (those with complications to prevent worsening & disability)

C) Health Protection:

Aid in implementing certain rules or policies which protect the individual and the community (e.g., Avoid smoking in certain closed rooms etc, use of mask in certain conditions)

D) Psychological health:

Being in a stressful situation can lead to poor performance in academics and also deterioration in social life and lead to medical disorders. Counsellors (Hospital, Dean Student’s office, telecounseling etc.) and various relaxing activities are available on campus to ensure that psychological issues are also addressed.

E) Sexual and Reproductive health:

Staff and students who come to the hospital with specific complaints related to sexual or reproductive health are addressed on a one on one basis. Women students are encouraged to come for annual women’s health checkup when they are examined and their concerns are explained.

  • Self Breast Examination; Monthly examination (at the end of Menstruation or on the first of every month for Post-menopausal women) is a must for all women, more so if there is a family history of Malignancy.
  • Infections in the Genital tract: Both male & female can get infection which can be a simple fungal infection or serious bacterial or viral infection including HIV.
  • Maintaining one’s physical health with good diet and exercise is important for normal menstrual cycle and reproductive health.
  • Contraceptive measures prevent unwanted pregnancies. There are various methods available for both male and female which has to be discussed with the physician.


  1. Pressure Check (at hospital visit & annually from 40 years)
  2. Pap smear (yearly till menopause & then once in 3 years)
  3. Per Rectal examination (men above 45 years)


  1. Rest (good sleep) & relaxation
  2. Recreation & Exercise


  1. Obesity counselling


  1. Mental Health
  2. Mammography (women above 50 years of age)


  1. Oral Contraception


  1. Thyroid disorders
  2. Tumors (family history)


  1. Immunizations
  2. Intake of water


  1. Oral & Dental Hygiene


  1. Nutrition


  1. Stress reduction
  2. Smoking cessation
  3. Sugar Check (annually from 30 years)
  4. Sexual health